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Start up programme adapts for virtual world

A popular coaching programme for start up businesses in Shropshire has been re-launched for the current ‘virtual meeting’ world.

Bridgnorth business consultancy Good2Great has been running its start up programme for several years and has now adapted it for the post-lockdown environment.

“The course is now offered online - in short modules - making it accessible and affordable for people wanting to start up on their own,” said Sally Themans of Good2Great. “With so many people facing redundancy and uncertainty, this move is very much needed at the moment."

Good2Great now run a free two-hour start up boot camp on the first Thursday of every month which gives an outline of what’s involved with setting up a business - looking at key entrepreneurial traits for people to see if self employment for them - as well as going through a crash course in the financial and legal requirements.  

“We then have a rolling programme of 1.5 hour modules every Wednesday which people can join at any time and which is a thorough DIY session in how to successfully start your business. It's adapted from our long-established two-day workshop which has seen over 1,000 new businesses/entrepreneurs come through over the last eight years.

“The cost is £30 per month and it lasts eight weeks and is followed up with individual bespoke advice and support for a further four weeks - so the entire programme to get a business up and running is £90 - which amounts to £1 a day, meaning it is excellent value for money.”

Ongoing support is available as the new businesses also get the chance to join Good2Great’s popular Growth Club. 

Telford entrepreneur Patrick Ricketts, of SG For Business is currently signed up for the programme.

He said: “Sally has a great style of delivery. She displays empathy, understanding and patience, whilst always being encouraging and supportive to all members of the group, always going out of her way to support - even after hours.

“The delivery is methodical with just the right pace. Keeps you on track, with useful tools offered in a non-patronising way. We are all encouraged to support each other in a safe and confidential environment. We really feel we are building a community of business owners that will be there to support and encourage each other long after the course has finished. This is real world stuff for these challenging times.”

Patrick specialises in providing business consultancy to SMEs in the manufacturing sector, particularly fasteners, sheet metal, plastic/metal extrusion, foam extrusion heat treatment and wire formers.  

Pictured: Patrick Ricketts


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