Shrewsbury has retained its Purple Flag status - an accreditation which recognises the town’s vibrant night-time economy while adding layers of safety and promoting the wellbeing of visitors.
Similar to Blue Flag for beaches, Purple Flag status aims to raise the standard and broaden the appeal of town and city centres between the hours of 5pm and 5am through a vibrant and diverse mix of dining, entertainment and culture within a secure environment.
Highlights from Shrewsbury’s submission included the continued work to raise awareness and lower the risk of drink spiking, the focus given to rough sleeper support, and the diversity of food and drink venues in the town.
James Hitchin, chair of Shrewsbury Pubwatch, said: “Retaining our Purple Flag status is excellent news for the town, our residents and visitors to our night-time economy. We are proud of the accreditation which reflects how safe Shrewsbury remains to enjoy a night out here.
“We are committed to keeping people safe and have launched an ongoing campaign to raise awareness of safety, remind people of the support that’s available in the town and encourage the need to watch out for each other. The retention of Purple Flag status can only help to enhance our reputation as a thriving night-time community.”
A range of initiatives are in place to support people during the night in Shrewsbury, including the Street Pastors who patrol the town centre between 10.30pm and 4am for anyone in need of help.
Stephanie Mansell-Jones, of Shrewsbury BID, said: “We are delighted to retain our Purple Flag accreditation - it’s recognition of all the hard work that so many people put in to ensure a successful night-time economy.
“We are of course aware of the ongoing concerns surrounding river safety and everyone is working together within the town centre to ensure it remains as safe as possible, and as many layers of protection as possible are enhanced or put in place."
Purple Flag is an international accreditation programme which strives to help create safe and thriving locations at night for everyone.
Pictured: from left, Amanda Jones (Shrewsbury Town Council), James Hitchin (The Alb and Pubwatch chair), Ruth Jones (Shrewsbury Town Council), PC Richard Walters, PC Catrin Hughes, Stephanie Mansell-Jones, (Shrewsbury BID) Nick Webb (Street Pastors) and Wendy Faulkner (The Ark)